Dr Siaka Stevens Of Sierra Leone
Vibrant At Three Score And Eighteen
Sierra Leoneans put aside their economic blues last month to join in the celebration of the seventy-eighth birth- day of their leader, Dr. Siaka Probyn Stevens.
As reported in 'We Yone' one of the three newspapers allowed to operate in the country, even though President Siaka Stevens did not agree to carry out Parliament's wish that the day should be observed as a public holiday, in many parts of the country, the occasion was observed with gu sto, amidst messages of goodwill, prosperity and many more blissful years. The other publications also referred to him as the unifying and Fatherly leader, creator of new Sierra Leone and great teacher.
His official title however is His Excellency Dr. Siaka Stevens, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Founder and Secretary-General of the All People's Congress and Chairman of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).
To the chargin of the forces opposed to Dr. Stevens the merry making effectively overshadowed the economic hardships facing the people of Sierra Leone, albeit temporarily. These problems had been caused mainly by ineffective agricultural policies, massive diamond and gold smuggling and above all rampant corruption in high places.
Politically, despite its slide into the notorious one-party system in 1978, Sierra Leone has seen a fair share of regular elections, the last one in May 1982. However, enjoyment of the so- called democratic luxury has failed to appease a section of the Liberian population which have joined forces under the umbrella of a movement - Sierra Leone Alliance Movement (SLAM) to oppose President Siaka Stevens.
SLAM aims at a change that will lift the masses from their gloom and pro- vide them with good schools, hospitals, roads, decent accommodation and above all cheap food.
Formed in November 1980 in Britain SLAM does not hesitate to emphasise that the dream of economic and social advancements nurtured at the time of enthusiastic demands for the introduction of a one party system in 1978 has not yet been fulfilled under the banner of Dr. Siaka Steven's All People's Congress (APC).
But the leadership make no pretensions about the daunting nature of their task which was re-emphasised to them in the vitality and exuberance exhibited by President Siaka Stevens on his seventy-eighth birthday.
Dr. Stevens unique position in the history of Sierra Leone is marked more than anything else by his dramatic return to power from exile after a military coup and nullified his victory in the general elections and dismissed him as Prime Minister.
It happened after the 1967 national general elections in which Dr. Siaka Stevens' Opposition APC party won by a very narrow majority, following which he was sworn-in as Prime Minister.
It was then alleged that the defeated ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) instigated the army to stage the coup and drive Dr. Stevens into exile until he was re-appointed and re-sworn Prime Minister on Friday, April 1968 after a counter-coup.
Three years later on April 19, 1971 Sierra Leone became a Republic with Dr. Stevens as its first Prime Minister. Two days later he was appointed Sierra Leone's first Executive President.
At the end of his term of office five years later in 1976, he was re-elected unanimously President of Sierra Leone by members of Parliament and officially inaugurated President for a further term of five years.
In tune with African tradition there were a series of demands in 1977 by various sections of the community for the introduction of a one party system of government. After a week-long referendum, the result of which was 95 per cent support, Sierra Leone became a one party state under the banner of the All Peoples' Congress with Dr. Siaka Stevens appointed as Executive President for a fresh term of seven years.
At 78 the President has provided political stability to Sierra Leone and while he is alive and exudes vitality he may very well help to resolve any dispute that is bound to erupt over who should succeed him and forestall any struggle for power which may prove damaging to all he has fought for.