I read with interest in the "Talking Drums" of September 26, that Flight/ Lt. Rawlings' PNDC has sent 600 school children to Cuba ostensibly to study from secondary school to university level. I was amazed because I could see history repeating itself. It may be recalled that during the Nkrumah regime, the young boys who enrolled in the Young Pioneer to learn the ideals of Nkrumaism are actively involved in the present revolution in Ghana. Now these present revolutionaries ousted the PNP which was the direct successor of the CPP which trained them in the first place. The party has been accused of subverting Socialism as introduced by the CPP.I can very well envisage these young Cuban-trained cadres coming back to overthrow the present revolution because it has slacked in the implementation of the revolutionary goals.
Anita Fosu
Forest Gate, London
Reading through your account of the "World Bank Report - Gloomy view on West Africa published in the September 26, issue of the "Talking Drums," I got the distinct impression that countries in the region are well and truly caught in the throes of economic disaster. The saddest aspect of this is that the various governments, except perhaps that of Ivory Coast and People's Republic of the Congo are in trouble as far as maintenance of the balance of payment is concerned.With inflation running at the level it has reached this year and export earnings in the agricultural sectors falling, more and more countries would have to rely on the International Monetary Fund for programmes accompanied with special loans to reform the faltering and tottering economies.
It seems to me that the grand objectives that crystallised in the setting up of the Economic Commission of West Africa (ECOWAS) appear to be evaporating before our very eyes as each country takes measures to protect its economy against external encroachments.
The border closures, expulsion of foreigners from neighbouring countries, import controls etc all do not foster good economic relationships among the nations.
I am, however, of the opinion that West Africa has a chance to live up to its common objectives if we bury our differences and rather accentuate the positive aspects of our economic union.
Paul Oduatan
Does that Colonel Gaddafi think he can convert the whole West African sub-region into his brand of socialism?Why can't he just get out of Chad and leave Habre and Weddeye to sort themselves out? In the same way it would be in everybody's interest if the French and all others who have no right to be there leave the fate of the country in the hands of its people.
A.L.C. Okwute
Agbani, Nigeria
Since December 31, when the Flt Lt. Rawlings overthrew the Limann regime, some members of the People's National Party (PNP) and members of the opposition parties who were arrested and detained have been released.Some of the PNP members, Mr. Harry Sawyer for instance, were released and given appointments in the new government.
I have just read the news that Dr. Hilla Limann, the Vice-President, and a few others have also been released without a trial after their nearly 21 months incarceration. The question is: was the coup a conspiracy against the PFP?
Joe Manu, Hamburg
I nearly almost got prejudiced by the format of your weekly magazine for so many obvious reasons, but I have just finished reading one of the most insightful and straightforward articles about the present situation in Ghana."Educating Ghana: The Cuban Connection". In my wildest dream, I could not have imagined such a bold article by anyone on the current situation in Ghana.
Perhaps the most revealing aspect of the article was the candour with which the Editor made mention of names with examples and instances.
This is certainly one of the best articles I have ever read among the media that specialises on African Affairs.
Congratulations on a superb job. Your weekly is a perfect example of how freedom of the press should be exercised especially concerning the social, economic and political scene in Africa. I can predict a phenomenal growth in circulation.
V. Abena Agyemang Harrow, Middlesex
I am glad you conquered your prejudice about the format of the "Talking Drums" to read it. The point about the format of this magazine stems basically from the question of funds, among other things.As we emphasised in our comment column in the October 3 issue, "all those who believe that there is a need for a sane and quiet discussion and debate of the issues that bedevil the region, all those who believe that there is a need to do something beyond grumbling or sighing in despair should join in the "Talking Drums" adventure.
By that we mean, financial support by way of advertisements, supplements and sundry contributions. The format definitely will improve as the financial support picks up.
Meanwhile, thanks for your interest.