Cross Bearers And Bible Holders
From Our Correspondent, Accra
Her message was simple. God had asked her to come to Ghana to save Ghanaians from suffering the way Sodom and Gomorrah suffered, and that if Ghanaians wanted a land of peace, stability, progress and abundance...a land of milk and honey, then we should accept Kutu Acheampong as God's chosen saviour for Ghanaians.
Mrs. Clare Prophet, an American prophetess, spiritualist and soothsayer, was projected as one of the few living mortals whose nearness to God was second after Christ, Abraham and Moses. When she, therefore, said Kutu Acheampong's Union Government had the blessings of God, many were those who thought Ghana would have a UNIGOV administration ad infinitum.
Clare Prophet moved from pulpit to pulpit exhorting Ghanaians to change their evil ways, and cried that God postpone the operation Sodom and Gomorrah on Ghanaians.
She sounded sincere and convincing, at least, to one journalist, who wrote in the then Daily Graphic, "The lamentations of Clare Prophet" which appealed to Ghanaians to turn over a new leaf "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God".
Clare Prophet left, leaving an undisclosed huge debt from her "lamentations" and assured Kutu Acheampong not to fear any adversary because no man could take the throne from him. The same year, General Akuffo removed Acheampong from the high office of Chairman of the S.M.C. and Head of State of Ghana without firing a single bullet.
Clare Prophet might have cursed her "lamentations" in the U.S.A., for Acheampong was not only dethroned, he was so disgraced to the extent that his position as General was reduced to Mister.
Now, just recently another Clare Prophet has emerged in the person of 76-year-old British female Minister of Gospel, Rev. Marie Davidson Morley, who has arrived in Ghana saying God spoke to and asked her to go to Ghana and heal the land.
In an exclusive interview with the Christian Messenger, Rev. Morley, accompanied by Rev. Maureen Tweddie, Vice Chancellor of Crawcrook Bible College, England said in 1980 God charged her to deliver a special message to Ghanaians.
"I saw a tremendous flash of beau- tiful light in my room and out of this radiance stood the Lord. I was afraid, but the sweet voice told me not to fear. 'I'M SENDING YOU TO GHANA. I HAVE HEARD THE CRY OF THE PEOPLE, AND I HAVE COME DOWN TO BLESS THEM.’ "
According to Rev. Morley, God further said, "I'm therefore sending you to all the church leaders and government authorities to tell them to take my words seriously and obey them. Tell them, I am what I am, and if they pray and fast I'll save them and deliver them as I did to the Israelites when they were in Egypt."
Rev. Morley then left her home- town, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with Rev. Tweddie last June 18th for Accra to fulfil God's message. "Immediately I arrived in this country I sought audience with the Chairman of the PNDC, Flt-Lt. J. J. Rawlings to inform him of my mission. Prior to this I had discussed my visit with some Christian friends who told me that Chairman Rawlings would not welcome me.
"But I was not discouraged. I know it was the Lord who sent me so I must obey Him. I went to the Castle and was granted audience. When I saw the chairman I asked him to join me in prayer. And without delay he asked his Secretaries to join him. We prayed together for the nation and its success. The Chairman then asked me to go ahead with my salvation message. I left the Castle with a good impression that Flt-Lt. Rawlings believed in God, peace and salvation of mankind." That was Rev. Morley.
Rev. Morley who claims 54 years' teaching experience in Bible Knowledge says Ghanaians are spiritually hungry and leaders of churches must feed them. "It's only the word of God that will satisfy the nation. The true way to save Ghana from its dilemma is open communion. I have come here in response to preach peace and nothing else. I entreat church leaders and those in government to co-operate with me to make God's message known to everybody."
Asked what would be the result after healing Ghana, Rev. Morley says, "Every knee shall bow to the Lord, and there will be peace and prosperity in Ghana. The famine, drought and sufferings will end. Remember, God sent Moses to liberate the Israelites from Egypt and He's going to release Ghanaians from their spiritual bondage".