Aids in retrospect
The debate on the origins of AIDS and the race to find a cure for the relentless scourge are going on at a brisk pace. In this article a correspondent pooh-poohs the instant medical authorities' claim that the disease originated from Africa.In the 16th century Africa received the whiteman with open arms. He brought trade and the so-called enlightenment and civilisation. The so good-natured chiefs were paid worthless beads and mirrors for gold and spices. Their lands were taken over as crown property. Even African mountain ranges exchanged hands as birthday gifts among monarchs far away from African shores, whilst missionaries who supposedly brought the light taught the young and old to pray to the lord with their eyes closed, their gold and dignity were stolen behind and over their backs. Having stolen their gold and souls their bodies were sent off to far away lands into slavery and further degradation and deprivation.
In the 16th century syphilis was rampant in Europe - the plague was also there syphilis is supposed to have been brought over by the explorers from the Southern Seas. True or not true? Civili- sations in Southern America were wiped out by diseases introduced there by the white man the smallpox and syphilis. Now in recent times of sophisticated scientific exploration, it has become rather fashionable to have Black Africa to be the cradle of all evil and diseases. STD - Sexually transmitted diseases no more VD is now being put squarely into the laps of Mother Africa. Indisciplined and limelight seeking white scientists have now taken it upon them- selves to seek laurels by proving that Aids originated in Africa.
Missionaries, priests, teachers, diplomats and especially colonial officials have been with Africans since time past in the realms of the so-called sexual promiscuity of the African were either clandestinely, religiously and officially frowned upon. Wives of colonial officers had laws passed having the hair of young black girls cut short to minimise temptation of their husbands. However a lot of lonely colonial officers went after their pleasures in different ways hitting either side of the street. Colonial officers, priests and teachers are known to have had young boys staying with them not only to clean up and pay their way through school but far more.
Now, assuming that in the heterosexual society of Africa our houseboy goes to town with a little extra money and depending on his age hits the road with either his girl friend or a prostitute the beginning of a chain of events dawns on one. A bold civil servant invites the prostitute late at night to taste the pleasures of the native (and boot her out at dawn). This same civil servant has an affair with the bored wife of the commissioner. Well the commissioner. To cut the matter short it has been the pattern of life for centuries now. Only as soon as disease crops up, it's supposed to be the black man who originally had it
For the numerous diplomats since independence, businessmen, Aid workers, peace corps, shady security corps men and tourists. They have all come to Africa with their wares hitting both sides of the street more often than before. At the same time many Africans have taken their wares, whatever, to Europe and America.
Alas, in the last year AIDS struck America to start with. At first it was supposed to have been the Haitians who indulged in homosexuality with American tourists. With the familiar Pink Panther on the scene to investigate, Africa seems to be the "Hit of the tops" for the origin of Aids. Whilst the white man in doing his scientific best and using all the sophisticated media at his disposal to establish Central Africa as the origin of this latest Scourge, black men have only time to fight amongst themselves shifting the place of origin between tribes and lakesides.
By the time black men come by their senses White man will not only have proved that AIDS originated from the whole of Africa but also that home sexuality was first witnessed amongst the natives when the theory was raised that aid workers from Central Africa took the disease to the Caribbean Isles. Who is the aid worker who did such a thing? The Kenyan or the man from Burundi? Hard- ly! It must have been the French. He is the common denominator to the two areas first affected. Homosexuality is taboo in African societies. In Europe and the States it is not only accepted, it is fashionable. It is more likely that the French or Peace Corp acted as vector either having contracted the disease in Africa as it is assumed or spread it first in Africa and then on to the Caribbean.
It is rather puzzling that the disease shows a higher incidence in America than anywhere else especially among homo- sexuals. Drug users are supposed to be also at risk. One is bound to ask how many people are afflicted among the many drug users from the Vietnam war? How many are black?
In the search for the origins of the disease a virus mutation from one found in African green monkeys - green indeed - is being studied. An AIDS virus has been isolated by French scientists or who- ever in blood samples of African children collected 25 years ago. What does it really prove? Nothing really. The afore-mentioned "AIDS-Corp" has been in Africa for centuries. The new wave of AIDS corps men - tourists, aid officials etc, started around 30 years ago when African states gained independence.
One shouldn't fool green monkeys with pseudo-scientific gossiping prejudiced reports. The so widely pubdlished report of a cure for Aids in France was some soap bubble-Puff! Nothing.
West Germany has apparently started screening entering Third world citizens for the AIDS virus of hundreds and "9 from some African nations" were found to be positive and have been sent home.
It is rather puzzling that the disease shows a higher incidence in America than anywhere else, especially among homosexuals. Drug users are supposed to be at risk. One is bound to ask how many people are affected among the many drug users from the Vietnam War.
The test for AIDS are designed to avoid health danger to people with whom they work and the private German families with whom they live. The tests are meant for Apprentices and not students, reported the Herald Tribune. Where is your logic, oh, whiteman? Double standards in the first place. A student who has been a house boy of a gay official may just as easily carry the virus. Secondly, do you screen your officials and tourists for and homosexuality and AIDS before sending them down to mother Africa? Why not screen everyone; former aid officials, businessmen, tourists, teachers, priests, diplomats and to be even-handed, African students and find out the incidence of the disease among them without further and positive proof that the AIDS virus originated from Africa - something that will prove impossible to substantiate?
It is rather unfair and undignified of the white monkey to dump the whole affair into the laps of the black and green monkeys of Africa, who has the dirty hands? However, what else can you expect?
Milk has been spilt and the air fouled for so long a time. It is now a little late to fight over the origins of AIDS after the violation, be it white against blacks or blacks amongst themselves as usual. All efforts should be made to find a way to control the disease. How would it sound especially to the Germans who fly by the Jumbo loads to East Africa and Indo- China if they were screened for the AIDS virus? A positive or negative AIDS stamp in the Health certificates of all tourists would be appropriate. For, as the Germans say, screening tests are designed to avoid health danger to the people - in this case danger to the natives - "with whom they come into contact".